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Soda lime use to remove CO2 from protein skimmer air intake

Verfasst: Samstag 1. Februar 2020, 20:43
von MasterBlaster

I am looking for advice and information related to soda lime use. I have linked my skimmer (Nyos 120) to the ATI Carbo EX (reactor with 3 kg soda lime). I am a bit afraid that the soda lime dust might end up in the aquarium. Also I am interested in any advice you can give me related to soda lime use. I decided on this approach as my tank PH is constantly low because of CO2 in the room. It seems that to maintain PH at around 8 I needed to open the windows a few times a day.


Re: Soda lime use to remove CO2 from protein skimmer air intake

Verfasst: Sonntag 2. Februar 2020, 08:06
von tropicreef
Hi Mihai,

Soda lime is a mixture of NaOH, Ca(OH)2 and CaCl2 chemicals, i wrote about here in the forum.

What kind of carbonat supplement to you actually use?

Re: Soda lime use to remove CO2 from protein skimmer air intake

Verfasst: Sonntag 2. Februar 2020, 12:19
von MasterBlaster
tropicreef hat geschrieben:Hi Mihai,

Soda lime is a mixture of NaOH, Ca(OH)2 and CaCl2 chemicals, i wrote about here in the forum.

What kind of carbonat supplement to you actually use?
Currently I am only dosing manually Sangokai basic + Iodine(TM Lugol) and Iron (all manually). I am waiting to get an automatic doser before I start 3 part dosing. Right now I do water changes every 2 weeks to cover the tank needs which is ok as I don't have a lot of corals. My alkalinity is around 8.5; No3 <= 0.5 ;PO <=0.03 ; Redox 360 and increasing ;salinity around 35. Hopefully with the Soda lime addition the Ph will not rise above 8.3. I have added the soda like more than 15 hours ago and the ph has not stopped rising.